A Product Story
About two months ago, a client asked me about the service we used for distributing our beta apps. I said I will find out and I forgot about it and 4 weeks ago another client asked me how she could sign up for distributeapps.com, which we used to distribute beta apps. This time I made a mental note and asked Chinmay (our CTO) about how people could sign up. He non chalantly remarked- Testflight and Hockey sucked, so we made our own and it is awesome.
As expected, the product person in me woke up and I said, why are we not launching it since it is a common pain developers have.
Incidentally, we were at a point in time where we were just having discussions on focusing our attentions and Chinmay reminded me to focus and I put this on my idea list. After a few days, I decided to send a select few developers an email asking them if they wanted to try it out. Every single one replied! We have about hundred odd apps being beta tested on the platform now and we just started accepting a wait list. Sometimes, problems and solutions are right in front of you, all you need to do is to look carefully.
Check it out here: distributeapps.com
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